CHILDREN - Have you talked to your kids about...?
You've probably heard us say this often, but you are the best spiritual leader your child has. Praying with and for your child, being at church each Sunday/Wednesday, teaching them the importance of Scripture, and showing them how Christ has called us to love others are all great ways to be an example and leader for your child. Make 2015 Count; commit this year to God, and work together as a family to serve others, to share Christ's love freely, and to grow in your relationship with God.
While you are your child's primary spiritual leader, we are absolutely here to partner with you and help you and your family in any way that we can. If you have questions about the resources provided in these emails, would like additional resources, or would like to set a time to meet with us, then please do not hesitate to call or email us! We are here for you.
We are so blessed to have you and your family in our Children's Ministry! We pray that 2015 brings you closer together as a family and that God moves in each of your lives in powerful ways. We are so excited to see what great things God has in store for your family this year!
In Him,
Cliff Cary & Sarah Stevens
Have You Talked to Your Kids About - Complete Series
Quiet Time
End Times