Volunteers from our church minister inside the Potter County Detention Center, the Randall County Jail, and the TDCJ Clements Unit here in Amarillo. In each of the three locations our ministry teams are responding to the command of the Lord Jesus Christ from Matthew 25:36, “…I was in prison and you came to Me.”
Comments from the Incarcerated:
"Agape love is unconditional love, but it's also love in action. In this the First Baptist Church of Amarillo has succeeded greatly and, again, I want to thank you."
"I am not too sure about the others, but I felt good being treated like a person. That by itself was a blessing, being treated like a man amongst men."
"You all shared your lives, time, and love with us - a bunch of prisoners thought to be nothing. You showed us it is okay to cry, laugh, share personal stories, and be Christian men. Please let your congregation know how successful the program is and our hunger for Christ and examples of men who want to share their personal experiences with Christ."
"Thank you for helping me see life through new eyes."
The link, below, will take you to a third-party website. Although this site was initially vetted by First Baptist Church, FBC is not responsible for the content of the website. This website is provided here solely as a helpful resource for the incarcerated (and their families) who are returning to society.
Please email FBC if you have information to share with us about this or other re-entry resources.
Thank you!
This resource from ResumeBuilder.com offers resume advice, tips for getting hired, and more for the formerly incarcerated. Check out the Resume Builder App and other links in the navigation bar at the top of their page for quick resume resources. With these helpful tools and tips, you will be prepared to impress any job recruiter.
For more information regarding this area of the church's ministry, please contact Tom Foran at (806) 373-2891, x252