You're invited to Mother's On Mission or MOMs! Mother's On Mission (MOMs) is a group of women committed to raising children in a community of faith, love, and support. Meetings are the first and third Wednesday of each month (September through May) from 9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the First Baptist Fellowship Hall. Childcare is provided for children from birth through age 5. Dues are $75 for the fall semester and $50 for the spring semester. Scholarships are available.
Mother's On Mission (MOMs) is a preschool ministry that specifically serves mothers with young children. At MOMs you will find a place to belong, recharge, and find encouragement in your journey as a mother. MOMs believes children are God’s gift, part of His creative plan, and parents are to nurture, protect, and lead children to become followers of Christ. The MOMs Ministry desires to equip mothers in that task. Whether you're urban, suburban, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, foster, special-needs, single or married, MOMs is for you!
MOMs meetings strive to encourage spiritual growth and community. With a little something for everyone, meetings consist of:
• Breakfast and coffee
• Announcements and celebrations
• Devotions and Table Discussions
• Crafts and Games
• Guest Speakers
• Service Projects
The first meeting for Fall 2024 is September 4th. For additional questions, call Allyson Kaplan at 806-674-4885 or via email at momsamarillo@gmail.com.